Emergency Plans
Inclement Weather Procedures
The open/close/delay decision is made by seeking input from local weather service, Sudbury DPW, Sudbury Police, and area superintendents. The decision starts with an assumption that schools will be open and will operate on a regular schedule; weather and travel conditions will determine if closing or delay is necessary to ensure the safety of students, caretakers, and staff.
Once schools have opened for the day, it is highly unlikely that students will be dismissed early. If a directive from the state or local safety officials is received to close school during normal school hours, the procedures for early dismissal below will be followed.
Closing Schools
If weather conditions are severe or it is anticipated that a storm will escalate, school will be closed. The “No School” announcement will be made by 5:30 AM and will be announced by using the District’s automated phone call system. (Please be sure your phone numbers are current in ASPEN.) Efforts will be made to consider announce as early as possible to give as much time for families and staff to make arrangements. The “No School” message will be posted on the district website.
Storms may end early in the morning and road conditions may warrant more time for safe travel. In this case, a “Delay” will be announced. Typically, delays will be for one or two hours. On these days, students riding buses will be picked up later than their normal time. Afternoon dismissals will be at the regular times.
Early Dismissal
Any decision to dismiss school early will be made with sufficient time to notify the bus company and district drivers, local officials, and parents. The Superintendent will notify appropriate local officials and may initiate the Reverse 911 system to begin notification of parents. METCO students will be released as early as possible and those arrangements will be communicated to families.
The decision to dismiss a school or all schools rests with the superintendent in collaboration with the principal(s). Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School will be consulted but a joint decision is not required.
Bus Routes
It is assumed that buses will run their regular routes anytime school is open. During any type of severe storm, drivers will adjust the stops to better accommodate students. This may include waiting longer at the stop or modifying the location or number of stops. Families should understand that during storms or inclement weather, pick-up and drop-off times will be extended.
If a bus is unable to travel on a particular road or unable to reach a particular stop, the driver will notify the bus dispatcher immediately. The district will communicate with impacted families.
No elementary student will be released at a non-regular bus stop unless a parent or designated adult is present to receive the student. If a parent or designated adult is not present, an elementary child will remain on the bus and be returned to the school and the family will be notified.
Middle School students may be released at, or near, the designated stop providing the student indicates that they have a safe place to go and is able to get there.