Social Studies
The study of the Social Sciences includes geography, history, civics, government, and economics in grades Pre-K to 8. Sudbury follows the MA Curriculum Framework that was adopted in 2018. Through integration with English Language Arts and the standards of practice for Social Studies, Math, and Science, Sudbury provides rich and compelling experiences for students so they may achieve content knowledge, as well as an appreciation for democracy and civic engagement. Please see the Parent Curriculum Guide for more specific information.
District Belief Statement
Sudbury Public Schools are committed to educating students to be historically knowledgeable, empathetic, and engaged citizens. We believe students should learn history in a non-biased, sensitive, and age appropriate manner in a safe environment where all voices are valued.
In doing so, students will know the reasons for and repercussions of controversial or challenging topics, both current and historical. Students will understand the perspectives of others, feel empowered to make informed civic choices, and be responsible citizens acting for the betterment of their community and the world.
Here are some ideas to engage your child in Social Studies beyond the classroom:
visit a museum to learn the history and culture of our nation and the world
look at a map or atlas and compare the topography and names of places
visit historical landmarks or sites - Massachusetts has many to choose from!
watch a documentary
bring your child with you when you visit the polls on Election Day
participate together in a community project - town clean-up day, food pantry drive, and fundraisers are just a few
have a "home banking system" that includes your child earning, saving, and spending money
Contact Information
Lauren Egizio
Humanities Curriculum Coordinator