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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign into my account in the Follett Aspen Family Portal?

We set up accounts for new families (Kindergarten and new-to-Sudbury) each Fall. Please contact the front office of your school if you need to get your login information or if you are concerned that your mailing address is not up to date with the school.

Most login names are in the format firstname_lastname. So, for example, Mary Smith would sign in with the name mary_smith.

Please make sure you set up the Security Questions in your account so that you can use the Forgot Password feature in the future.

My child is a new student. How can I get an account?

We set up accounts for new families (Kindergarten and new-to-Sudbury) each Fall. Families of new students will recieve the Aspen Family Portal login information in the mail by the end of September.

How do I access my child's report card?

When you first sign into the system there is an area labeled Published Reports. The report card will be listed there as a PDF file that can be opened, downloaded, printed, etc.

Published Reports Area


How do I make sure my contact information is up-to-date with the school?

The email addresses and phone numbers in Follett Aspen are what we use to stay in contact with parents. If you click on the Family top tab, you can see your children listed there. By clicking on their names you can check their information to make sure that we have your information recorded accurately. While you are looking at one of your child's contact info, you can click on the Contacts side tab to also verify that contact info for the adults in the household are also up-to-date.

Family View


How can I update the email addresses and phone numbers that the school has on record?

On the first page when you sign in there is an area labeled Tasks. If you click Initiate, it will open up a window that allows you to choose Update My Contact Information. The magnifier icon lets you select which child to edit. You can advance through a series of windows to update or correct information for both the student and the any contacts on record. When you click the Finish button it submits all the changes you have made to the front office of your child's school. Do not panic if you do not see the changes right away; the front office administrative assistants need to look over the submitted information before making the changes "live" in the system.

Please only enter one email address or phone number in each box.

My email address is up-to-date, but I am not receiving emails from the school.

Many email providers flag bulk emails as junk, and it is worth checking your spam/junk mail folder to see if missing emails are found there. In particular, AOL identifies emails from Follett Aspen as junk mail. If you have an AOL email account, we strongly encourage you to obtain a non-AOL account that you could put on record to receive school communications.

Where can I go for additional help?

Unlike many other online systems, Follett's online help is actually very up-to-date and relevant. Please do not hesitate to click on the Help link that you will find on each page once you are logged into the system.

We have moved. How do we update the new address?

Please contact the Front Office of your child's school.